Simple Maintenance

Be more efficient by doing less, with Sterisil®

Our Straw drastically reduces the number of steps needed for DUWL maintenance, reducing staff burden and increasing productivity.

Simple Efficacy

Be more confident and pass more tests with Sterisil®

Sterisil® powerful non-oxidizing Silver Ion technology is 20x more effective than iodine (≤10 CFU vs 200 CFU) ensuring water safety and compliance.

Simplify with Sterisil®

Choose Simple. Choose Silver. Choose Sterisil®.

* Autoship Free Goods with Order - Valid between 10/01/23 TO 11/30/2023. Purchased products must be on the same order and free goods will be the same product purchased (equal or lesser value). Free goods are autoshipped with order and may not be exchanged for other products or credit. Offers may be discontinued or changed without notice and void where not valid. Offers only applies to USA dealers and customers. Special Market accounts do not qualify. Distributor restrictions apply.

To redeem free goods, submit invoices at by 01/15/24. Invoices must be dated between 10/01/23 to 11/30/23 and purchased products must be on the same order. Free goods may not be exchanged for other products or credit. Offers may be discontinued or changed without notice and void where not valid. Offer only applies to USA distributors and customers. Special Market accounts do not qualify. Distributor restrictions apply.


1. Crosstex International. (2015, December 15). DentaPure® Advanced, Easy to Use and Cost Effective Clinical Water Treatment Technology, Instructions For Use. PDF. Retrieved from

2. Study cited in "Treating and Monitoring Dental Water" Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, by Nancy Dewhirst, RDH, BS & John A. Molinari, PhD. Data collected from 22,196 consecutive waterline tests (R2A, heterotrophic plate count tests) conducted in 2017 by ProEdge Dental Water Labs. All product types provided by dental offices. Averages may not reflect your test results. All Pass/Fail measured against CDC's < 500 FU/ml standard. Based on total active ingredient release over the course of 365 days or 240L following instructions for use (replacing BluTube cartridge at 6 months).